Episode 1 – God’s Word


In this first episode we discuss the foundation of our faith. 

That being the Word of God itself.

We cover what God’s preserved Word is… And isn’t.

Following topics are covered:

 – Has God preserved his Word?

 – The devil’s first lie.

 – How is a Bible translated?

 – Are Catholic and Orthos Christian?

Old Testament.

 – The Masoretic Text.

 – Dead Sea Scrolls.

 – Is the Septuagint even real?

New Testament.

 – The Byzantine text.

 – Textus Receptus.

 – Debunking of textual critic arguments.

Alexandrian Texts.

 – Codex Vaticanus.

 – Latin Vulgate.

 – Did Erasmus want Vaticanus?

 – The Oxford Movement.

 – Codex Sinaiticus.

 – Tichendorf and Simonides.

 – Westscott and Hort.

 – Dean Burgeon.

 – The Papyri.

 – Nestle Aland.

 – United Bible Societies.

Other than that we discuss the lost history of Scandinavia and China.

And most important of all: 

How are you 100% sure that you are going to heaven?

Join us for the pilot of a show that will SOLELY be about the main thing.

Episode 1 – God’s Word
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